Category: English Shepherds

Living In The Moment!!!

It is hard to remember a nicer day! I have a puppy in Snow Hill, NC out of the first Abilene Drover litter. His name is Tucker and I have been promising to visit Marlene, Mrs. Dixie and Tucker for Months! It was a beautiful warm sunny spring like day as I left for Snow …

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Okay, I am sad! Sad for me! Sad for my empty arms and puppy snuggles that are no more!  Sad that I don’t have little puppies under foot! That there is no reason to look out and check on puppies or call “Pup,Pup,Pup!” …No more reason to fix milk! Okay I miss them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But I …

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From Skye’s Heart

Meet Skye my  lovely English Shepherd.   He is a product of Abilene and Dallas  of Maple Grove Farm and he got the best of both.   When I look into his heart I can see the true essence of the breed.    It is a blessing for us as cattlemen to have him as our partner on …

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What can I say? How can I explain? I wish I could! I will try… I love English Shepherds… Have as long as I can remember. They hold a very special place in my heart and to explain why is not possible… So many, many reasons. But if you are lucky enough to have known …

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Sunday Walk About…

This afternoon as the sun shone, my 4 remaining puppies, along with Montanna, Abilene, Drover, BOO, and Sandy did a Walk About the Farm. The air was cool and it  was a bit breezy. (Amarillo was up she is in heat)… We started in my back yard and went to the branch along Abilene’s Trail. …

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Bohdi, a puppy graduate from Maple Grove Farm, is such a friendly fellow.  He and his buddy Maya are the best of friends.

Where Do I Start???

Wednesday I hauled the 3 rescue mares to Ken Treadways. They are  gone! WOO HOO!!!!!!!! Friday my first puppy left for her new home in Winston Salem, NC.  I was sad for me…but happy for the puppy Happie! Today Four Puppies left! They are all in their new homes tonight with their people! Sleigh now …

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It has been a cold wet, now snowing and sticking on the grass and trees weather kinda day! It rained and rained then it was quiet and I looked out and low and behold the ground was covered in white! The biggest snow flakes were falling and it is beautiful! It has been a slow …

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Crossing Cedar Run…

This is Peppy, Montanna and Boobie Dog on the Creek Trail at my house. The creek is Cedar Run…It can be quite a stream when there has been lots of rain…This was in the fall several years ago. This is one of my most favorite rides and “Memory “…. I was down at Ken Treadways …

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Christa’s Raina showing off

Christa has trained Raina to help out!  Check it out… When Christa talked with me about a puppy, she had a concern…She did not want the puppy to tear up her sleeve that goes with her prosthesis. I told her if you are firm and do not allow her to mess with things that you …

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