Category: English Shepherds


Well, I have participated in many puppy activities , but I think today was my first Mousing! English Shepherds are known for their vermin hunting and destroying of the same. I can say for sure it is a born in them trait! The puppies and all the big dogs went down to the duck pens …

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Les just shakes his head….What a Puppy Mess! And it is all on our porch! It smells like puppy dogs! Like I remember as a child playing with them at my Grandpa’s! No it does not smell good! Especially if you add rain to it! Like today! Well they do smell good to me! But …

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I Know What Puppies Dream…

At least tonight I do… Today was the puppies first big outing, and Duck Herding Test! (see latest videos on our Video Page)… We started out by all the puppies going with me to turn the sheep out.  All 9 puppies and my 6 grown dogs went along ! That was easy! We then started …

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Six Weeks Old!!!

Week Six (Days 36-42) DEVELOPMENT OF THE PUPPIES Growth and development continue CARE OF THE PUPPIES Offer soft, damp food, and solid puppy food Chart weekly weight Individual attention crucial —  I give each puppy time with ME away from litter Continue with weekly nail trimming We play all the time, but I offer soft …

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MY, MY, MY!!!!!!!!!

What Puppies!!!!!!!!!!! I really do not know where to start! I pulled some muscles in my back last week (loading a round bale of hay on the Gator trailer) and have whined and limped around all week! And is the reason I have not posted.  I (could not sit!) or walk or stand or lay …

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This was my special horse “Bo” we were crossing a creek on the Lewis Fork Trail at Mt Rogers NRA in VA. (Boobie Dog is in the creek headed to the small waterfall!)   “BO” Bo was out of Ole King (Delk’s King Star) and a Charlie Polite mare my Grandpa purchased out in Tyler …

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Five Weeks Old!!!! What is Happening!!!

Week Five (Days 29-35) DEVELOPMENT OF THE PUPPIES Group activities and sexual play will begin Dominance order starts Rapid growth/development CARE OF THE PUPPIES Reduce fluids in puppies’ food Make sure other people start coming to see pups Begin weaning Play radio at normal volume near pups for 5 minutes at a time Have all …

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This is a photo of BO and I crossing Fox Creek Creek in the Mt Rogers National Recreation Area (that is Boobie Dog in the creek with us tail to camera)  What a fine horse BO was… On this ride we met some riders in a rough section of the trail and Boobie Dog was …

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Yesterday I spent all afternoon outside on the ground with Nine of the Sweetest English Shepherd Puppies I have ever known! (this is all ways true!) The afternoon was warm  with a soft south west breeze. The sun was shinning but it was some what overcast with big white clouds and some way off blue …

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Yes it has been one of those days with the kind of weather that you wish never ended!!! It has been nice and warm a bit over cast with light southerly breezes…The air has smelled like Spring! The dogs and I spent the afternoon cleaning up horses. I have two videos on the Video page …

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