Category: English Shepherds

PUPPIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ARE HERE !!! NINE !!!!

The First Litter of English Shepherds in 2012 are here! So far NINE Healthy Hungry Beautiful (Smart) Black and Tan  AND TRIS!!!!!!!! Oh Abilene and Drover did Real Good!!!!!!!!!!   Okay I am tickled and would be dancing but I’d probablly fall down! I slept through the last delivery and don’t even know which one that …

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Abilene ………

Okay I know no one is going to believe this BUT  Abilene went to the field with me this afternoon and Helped FENCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!    I know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   She has bounced like a expecting Mom! Grin But Bounced None the Less! She is tired! So Maybe it will be like what My Momma use to say they did …

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No Puppies Yet!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay It is taking longer than I expected…She is not in active labor YET! And Her Water Has NOT Broke YET!!!!    She had a eggs cheese omelet for breakfast and ate some dry kibble.  We put the sheep out and she helped with that! I know!  But she was ready to go back in after …

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Abilene is Nesting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay Folks This is the REAL DEAL!!!   It has begun!!!!!!!!!!   Abilene is making a nest! So it should not be too long! More to follow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday Night Abilene Update!!!

Temp is 97.7 … Puppies are bumping about…Abilene is really big! (As in house size!) She is clingy… Whinny… Miserable… She is unsteady on her feet (wobbly) and still eating but not much…She still has some softening to do in her hind parts. But not a lot more… The window is repaired (no more wind …

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Abilene’s Night…

Abilene slept in my bedroom last night… Lots of grunting and restlessness. But finally sleep! She is moving slow today and I will be keeping her up in her room today. When she is not with me. I told her. “You stay here don’t you go off to find those puppies!” She is in the …

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III…Drover’s Stock Dog Diary…

Well, Yesterday morning it was raining! Raining sideways to be correct! I am not sure how it ever hit the ground…Anyway Kay just turned the sheep out and we all (us dogs) jumped on the Gator and went to feed the horses!  I hid my head behind Kay’s arm and her big soft coat. She …

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Abilene Update…

I was out for seven hours this afternoon. I left Abilene in her room. All was well when I returned. Abilene is lying on the floor beside me as I write this…Man is she gassy! Oh my word! Tonight she will sleep in my bedroom. I want to know what she does at night so …

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Abilene’s Daily UpDate…

Puppies are kicking! Abilene’s tummy is still expanding! Her milk is coming in.And last night I noticed that her mucus plug is starting to come out. SO…It will likely be Friday or Saturday when she delivers.Or Not!  The problem with knowing exactly is she was bred over a period of 7 days. So I can’t …

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Nothing new to report…All the same… Abilene and all the dogs had a special treat in their bowl tonight! Turkey!!! They loved it! I am sure I heard them say Kay you are a good cook!   

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