Category: English Shepherds

Catching Up…

We went to New Bern Monday Les and I and had a nice visit (way to short for us) with my Cousins Terry and Beverly. Terry is doing well and Beverly is much improved but still not able to go like she use to… Terry  has a nice black and white Paint gelding that he …

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Going to see my Cousins!!!

TOMORROW!!!!!   Les and I are headed down to see my Cousin Beverly and Terry Prevost!!! They live in New Bern!  I am really looking forward to seeing them!!!  It has been a while since I saw them! Beverly and I use to spend days going to junk stores and yard sales and such! She is …

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Of Ghosts and Sweet Memories…

Les and I went to the Cow Sale in Siler City Friday… We only stopped to have supper… My oh My!  What memories came flooding back to me! And Ghosts were all round me! (In my mind!) We went in the front doors of the sale barn and to the left through the next door …

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After the Rain…

It rained off and on most of the day here. It was a true Fall kind of rainy day! The leaves were gently falling , making a green carpet of grass red and yellow in places. One of the most beautiful trees the Dog wood is breath taking  beautiful all decked out in the most …

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Linda Rorem – Clinician

Spring Herding Clinic at Maple Grove Farm: May 2012 Mark your calendars!  It should be one you won’t want to miss.  Linda Rorem will be our clinician.  She has written many articles.  Her bio and some article links can be found here.

Good Dog!!!

We were very successful in moving the sheep!!! I was a bit concerned! I can just imagine a big sheep disaster!  Sheep lost going in all directions, no fencing , my hair standing up, and me screaming!  Well you get the picture!!! Thankfully that was not what happened! I opened the gate  to the new …

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Sheep/Fencing/Green Green Grass!!!!

Sheep think that the grass is greener and better on the OTHER side of a fence!!!  I have one sheep named Belle, and she is difficult to keep inside a fence! And she has one or two sisters that go with her once she makes the hole. What she does is push, push, push at …

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Herding Work Shop!!!

It was a beautiful day in the Piedmont of NC. Temperatures nice and the sun shone. The leaves most likely as pretty as they will be… We had a herding work shop from 1:00 Pm until dark. There were 2 new people in attendance, a nice couple from Asheboro with a really nice working rough …

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Tack Sale…

Wow! What a lot of used tack! The most I have seen in a long time!!! And things were cheap!!! I came home with more bits! (there are several mule bits!) A few bridles, some lead lines and fly blankets. My what treasurers ! Now to clean them up! and oil the bridles. They will …

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What an absolutely Stunningly Beautiful Day it is ! Cool and windy but oh my the color of the trees and freshness of the Morning!!! Amarillo woke me up wanting me to let her back on the porch so she can nap! What a sweet silly girl! Off to Denton and the feed store with …

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