Category: English Shepherds

Rain, Wind, Fall…

Today has been a rainy day. I love this time of year as the leaves are turning their reds, golds, oranges and yellows. Still lots of green leaves as well. It is so beautiful. And that promise of cooler maybe yes even cold weather on the wind. Then there is the fresh clean air smell …

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Chapter V (saturday) The Gathering!

Saturday morning came quickly for me. Not much sleep as I went to bed LATE! I only thought my feet were sore Friday morning! But all that was forgotten in about 2 minutes! As the sun came up over Dutchman’s Mountain I knew it was going to be a beautiful day with perfect weather. Breakfast …

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Chapter IV (good help!)

***Laree Shulman , Jan Masters, Sheree, Michael Bates, Mary Dunn and Harold Conover, Rebecca Wingler, Diane Swift, Mary Peaslee, Tosha, Roger, Kynsay and Ashlyn Hunt, Sharon Collins, Diane Kuhl, Marianne Dwight,Pamela Wood, Jack and Steve McDonough, Barb, Richard Willis, Susan Sanderson, Margaret Proctor, Reba and Richard Stegall, Don Bristow , Larry Blanton, my Momma and …

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Drover has been herding regularly and the Girls, Montanna, Abilene, Amarillo and BOO have not… I am comfortable with Drover and we have attended the clinics and such so it is easier for ME to work him…. This afternoon, BOO was first! I sent her out to gather the sheep and she did! Then she …

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This evening Drover finally had opportunity to work in the field and the round pen! I could see the desire in his eyes all weekend! Boy did he want to get out there! He was wide open too! He wanted to fly out and get em! NOT GOOD!!!! It took me some real yelling to …

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Chapter III… (friday)

It was very cool on the farm at 5:00 AM as my sore feet hit the floor. I took a deep breath, hesitated and plunged into the day!  Imagine the rush one feels as you plunge from a high diving board into the pool of cool water below! “That” is what my whole day felt …

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Chapter II…thursday

I hit the floor at 5:00 AM Thursday . Knowing ALL I had to accomplish to be ready for Friday! We started in the shop setting up tables and sweeping. Sweeping, sweeping Did I mention sweeping????  We straightened up and put up  things. Around 1:00 PM Jan and I were joined by Laree and Sheree…. …

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Chapter I…(wednesday)

On Wednesday Jan Masters and Dakota (Abilene/Dallas puppy) arrived up from Florida to start their “Working Vacation”. We started the day early and worked late! We had such a great time! It seemed like playing instead of real work. But moving cleaning , attaching wire onto fence posts, driving 60 tent stakes, moving and gathering …

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I am over whelmed by all the wonderful people and their generosity that helped with and attended the North Carolina English Shepherd Gathering over the last five days!!!! I am so BLESSED to know each and everyone !  What sweet , kind, good people!!! There is no way to THANK everyone!  Saying Thank You is …

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All Most Ready…

Very Tired tonight! Much accomplished today! But a lot remains to be done… Jan and Dakota came in late last night from Florida and they helped me all day! Thank You Jan!!!!   Bet you sleep good tonight! Jan showed me some of Dakota’s amazing free style Frisbee routine!  That is something to see!!!!!! Amazing!

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