Category: English Shepherds

Gathering Up Date!!!

Well Folks it will not be long now! Instead of months or weeks it is down to hours! I am cleaning mowing setting up and in general thinking “What was I thinking?” Three weeks ago I thought I have plenty of time!  I did Three weeks ago!!!! But I have some very special friends that …

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Living In The Moment!!!!

It has been breath taking beautiful today! The weather perfect for Fall!! I mowed the fields today. It smells so good! The sun was so warm on my shoulders ! I love the beams of golden light this time of year. And the dew on the grass of the morning as the sun comes up. …

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Sunday… Horses, Sheep and Drover…

Today Drover and I left out at 6:00AM to deliver a pony in Liberty and  a horse in Reidsville.  Then our plan was to go on to Burlington to pick up sheep for next weekend… We started at 6:00AM and the black horse loaded fine..except when I went to tie him in the horse trailer …

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I took some horses for a friend to the horse sale this evening… Two guys came by and started talking about their horses. (I do not know their names) . The one guy said he had  a horse for 19 years and how hard it is to find one to replace it. Not that he …

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Still Working…

No I do not wish I had not started this arena redo…but man is it hard work!!! We have the round pen complete, the duck arena needs final touches and one side of the big arena is all but complete…. I just hope there is enough get up left in me to make my scare …

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Arena Redo!!!

You all know how most women folk like to rearrange the living room…Well I have totally rearranged the Herding Arenas! Today I had help…Larry and Don two of our long time friends . We set up the Duck arena and are ready to set the HCT 50 foot round pen tomorrow. Plus start the 100 …

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I decided to redo the arenas for our herding….It has took weeks for me to figure out exactly what I wanted to do.But now I have a plan! Yesterday I started taking everything down and moving it. Today I took down the arenas. Oh Yes! It is a Major Undertaking! BUT Tomorrow all will be …

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Good News!!!

Thank The Lord! The horses are doing much better!!! They seem to be just fine! They never stopped eating or drinking water. Goodnight was the worst. He was like a very drunk and scared horse. Thus the old time name of the “Staggers”. Tuff  was a bit that way but not so bad. Sunday night …

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Dallis Grass….

Well my Farming 101 is a disaster! That nice tall lush grass is Dallis Grass and it is poison to Horses and Cattle… There is a fungus in the seed head this time of year and it causes the problem.It gives the animals the staggers!   Oh Yes ! Both horses are affected! Tuff not as …

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Tall Grass…

I have a patch of about a half acre of extremely tall grass down next to the arena that is just to big to mow with the lawn mower. I so hate to waste grass or anything for that matter… So this evening,we fenced it with one strand of electric wire, and brought in Tuff …

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