Category: English Shepherds

My Black Eyed Susan…

For the past 5 years Les and I have been Camp Ground Hosts for four summers at Fox Creek Horse Camp . We have met so many nice people… For the last three summers a Grandmother and her Granddaughter have stayed for two months or so at the camp ground with their horses. The first …

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I just came in from feeding all the stock and the dogs…yes it is kinda late… It has been warm and rained most of the day. You know the kind of day that if the sun had come out at all it would have been steamy. As I started down on the Gator… BOO and …

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We had a wonderful amount of rain this afternoon. You know the kind?! Steady and it rained for 4 hours like that! No run off to speak of…The ground was so dry it drank it all in! Our pond is down at least 16 inches….Yes we are in a moderate drought… The grass will grow …

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Today I made the 40 foot round pen into a 50 foot round pen all by myself! That’s correct! No help! Well the dogs helped! ha! I took a hammer, a block of wood, one rope 6 feet long, a pull bar, wire cutters, pliers , tape measure and one shingle shovel.. OH and the …

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From my Diary (Aug. 11,2011)

FALL….Grandma…a tear or two and a sweet smile, love and missing her in my heart…. A life well lived in her 90 plus years in Jackson Creek, where she was born, raised, married at 16, to the love of her life Astor J. Delk.  She bore him 4 strong hardy boys :Alton, Dempsey, Henry Leaton, …

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Slick Dog!!!

This afternoon Drover and Montanna went with me to the store for gas. I thought that I would turn 20 of the ducks out so they could roam a bit and enjoy the afternoon. Eight of my new ducks have not had their wings clipped (maybe tomorrow) they are difficult to catch. Then I will …

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30 Ducks!!!

The duck population is now 30 plus at Maple Grove Farm! We are preparing for the up coming Herding Work Shop and AHBA Trial in October. This evening I drove down to my friend’s house at Bunn Level, NC. Jo has lots of ducks and loves to raise them. So maybe she will have better …

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First Fire!!!

I built my first fire in the wood stove last night!  It was so easy! All my wood is very dry and handy! It was very comfortable all night and then this morning I started it back up! It is very cool and wet out side! A good day for ducks! As Grandma use to …

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Les and I last week went by the fellow’s place that raised our ducks we picked up last year with the understanding that he would have more for us this year. I like the Khaki Campbells and the more up right ducks for herding purposes. They are dabbers I think, and do not want to …

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July 4th…Horse ride

My friends Carolyn and Elaine wanted to take a ride on the Iron Mountain Side Of the Mt. Rogers National Recreation Area (which happens to be my favorite part of the area. They wanted me to guide them. We left out around 10:00 AM . Carolyn on her mare with her young dog a Heeler, …

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