Category: English Shepherds

Away, Come Bye, Down!!! (the journey)

Drover and I have been working on commands.  We started in earnest last Tuesday! “Away” is to the left (counter clockwise). “Come bye” is to the right, and I remember it by (as time goes by) clockwise. What we do is take 2 or 3 sheep into the 40 foot round pen. I send Drover …

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The Journey Begins…

I have debated about sharing my Herding experience from this last weekend…This is the beginning of “Our Journey”… Drover and I entered the AHBA Trial this last weekend in Burlington, NC. We entered Saturday and Sunday HTAD Level I course #2. Level I is for the beginners. There are 4 courses. #2 course consists of …

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A Tribute…

My Grandpa use to have me help pick up rock out of the fields when he turned them and made them ready for planting. He also built and maintained terraces in all of his fields. It was all ways easy to walk in his fields  . They were smooth like your yard is… Les and …

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Moon Shadows…..

This afternoon and up until dark Les and I worked on moving the temporary sheep fence. It is from Premier and electric. One person can put it up but two people it is so easy! But we had to mow and then we had to reposition so I could have an alley to work my …

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This coming Saturday and Sunday …Les, Drover and I are going to a sheep trial in Burlington. It will be at Findley Vue Farm on HWY 62 North. I am very excited and I think Drover is too! We have been working each day and I can see him getting better and better and listening …

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Porch Day….

Today We were suppose to go over to Burlington and work Drover at Findley Vue Farm. But yesterday Les and I both got way over heated and felt terrible today!  I so hoped it would pass but alas it did not! We both were weak and tired! We are just not use to this heat! …

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Getting Ready…

Les has weeded around the pond! BIG job and very well done!  It took him two days to weed whack. Not all day each day, but it is hard, hot, tiring, work! He has mowed most of the Sheep pen area and the duck arena. It is looking real good! There was a large thick …

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Feels Like an Early Fall!

Fall was my Grandma’s favorite time of the year.  Spring is mine but I can see why she loved Fall so much! I could become a convert! Our trees are starting to change and the folks that know about such things are predicting a beautiful show of color in the mountains and here! I expect …

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English Shepherd Gathering 2011

OCTOBER 7, 8, 9 , 2011 We are looking forward to seeing old friends and meeting new ones! And friends we have talked to but never met in person. Les and I are getting things ready. Even the dogs seem to know it is all most Gathering Time! We will begin to Gather at 9:00 …

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NO I did not go to the Piney Grove Big Meeting!  I stayed up to late cleaning then got up too late (and felt rough to boot) !  But my pantry is clean and in order as is my kitchen and all my dishes and I have a few things left to do before I …

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