Category: English Shepherds


I so hate to get started cleaning! Once I start I like it , but starting is the problem! I have cleaned out my cabinets and pantry and washed all my dishes today! Plus changed my summer dishes to the Fall ones! Whew! Soon as I get everything clean I will decorate. I have curtains …

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I seem to be off to a very slow start!!! I am catching up on phone calls, emails and mail! My sheep got moved to a different spot for their intense rotational weed grazing! I was able to purchase some fine electric Premier 1 sheep fencing all electric some time back and let me tell …

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Okay we are home for good!!! WOW! Did it ever look and feel so good?!! Hot  though!  I am use to 70’s so it will take some adjustment! Dogs and horses are happy as are the sheep and ducks! More to follow as I get back into the routine of things!

Bohdi (Gibson)

Sharing another email.  What a handsome boy!  This is Gibson from the March 2011 litter.  His family has named him Bohdi. Here is our charming little boy Bodhi.  He is brilliant and sweet and so handsome.  You did a phenomenal job!!!  Thank you Kay! C.

Home Again…..

Well, I am home for the night!  And oh my it is so hot here!!!  Got the yard mowed and Les weeded ….. Then off to the VA for Les’ appointment… All is well!!!! We brought the dogs home with us all of them and left the horses at camp with our friend Alice. Heading …

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Ranger update…

…another email I wanted to share from Ranger’s owner  ~ Kay Ranger is doing great!  I have been training him to sit,stay,lie down, leave it,and come. He is learning very fast !! The other day Ranger was sitting on the front porch and he started  barking, so I looked out the window and a raccoon was in the front yard. …

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Floating in the Pond!!!!

Today was HOT!!!!!!  What am I saying it is still HOT!!!!!    I have been fencing with my new handy I LOVE IT temporary sheep fencing. It looks like woven wire and has the post all ready made into it…. EASY!!! Well if it were not so blasted hot!!!! The dogs and I have worked on …

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As Promised!!!!

Folks I have not disappeared or fell off the face of the earth!!!!!   I work as a camp host/guide/keep the trails open and a Leave No Trace educator in the summer, for the US Forrest Service. It is more a Volunteer Type Job… But it is in the Virginia Mountains and I get to do …

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A rock climber!

How cool is this?  One of our pups has her picture in a climbers magazine (picture below photo courtesy of Caroline Treadway)!    Click here to check the article out.

Summer in the Mountains!

I just love to spend time in the mountains…especially when it is sooooooooo hot and sticky in the NC Piedmont area.  We have been having a ball in the mountains.  I’ll have a few tales to tell when I return.  I’ve missed chatting with you…talk soon. Kay

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