Category: English Shepherds

Strawberry Jam!!!

Yesterday, some fellows that help on our farm came by to go fishing. Danielto was one of them and he had been working in the strawberry fields near Liberty and brought me a huge bowl of fresh picked strawberries. After eating all the fresh strawberries I could hold , I thought I bet they would …

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This morning Les and I left early to pick up a horse from Ken Treadway. (I am trying it out!)  He had sent it with the Waggoner’s a local ranch. As we headed down the driveway there the sheep were NOT in their fence! Seems they prefer the grass that has been mowed over the …

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I have been a cleaning up mood. The Porch has been my focus this week! I have finished it today! I cleaned everything off on Thursday and bought some spray paint for my furniture. Friday I washed the walls and the carpet with the water hose. No more puppy smells! Or Big Dog Smells! Yeah! …

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Memorial Day !!!

I have been thinking about how big and wonderful our country is and how so very Blessed we all are to live here! How the Natural World around us is still very accessible and there for all to enjoy no matter what your past time is. I have thought about our forefathers that had enough …

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Saturday in Pisgah National Forest….

I saw When I woke up it was to the beautiful music of the river, the smell of the morning was on the mountain air! The trees were moving with a light breeze and the day promised to be hot and it kept that promise! Ask Abilene how hot it got! 91 degrees! With the …

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Friday Night in Pisgah National Forest..

We all settled in . It was around 10:30PM….. I had hung light sticks around the horses on the tie lines so in the dark we could at least look in the right direction of the horses if there was a problem. A couple times I got up and checked on things, mainly the moon! …

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Leave No Trace Pisgah National Forest Friday

What a beautiful place!!!!! Arriving  in the middle of the night I could still tell it was awesome! When the sun came up oh YES! I was correct! Simply breathtaking ! The Pisgah Back Country Horsemen’s Assocation, and the  NC Horse Council teamed up the US Forest Service and helped build the Wolf Ford Horse …

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Pisgah National Forest Leave No Trace (Thursday)

If a bad start makes for a good finish then this one should be spectacular! 1. The horse trailer was not ready! Many problems! No brakes (wiring), 2 ruined wheels, bad wheel bearings, no packing for bearings! 2. Mark the trailer repair person calls and says Trailer will not be ready till NEXT WEDNESDAY sometime …

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This is Sadie (litter name Tara).  Thought I would share with you.  We love to get updates on our pups… Hi Kay, Just thought I would let you know Sadie is doing great on the farm.  She is growing up fast and is still so smart!  Let us know when you will be going up …

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Wondering??? Leave No Trace…..

It has been difficult for me to write daily for about the last two weeks. For one I have been real busy with all the puppies and their departure for their forever homes. Then there is the sadness that I feel with their leaving.  Course it is spring on the farm and so much to …

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