Category: English Shepherds


This morning was the time. The air was cool, and the grass wet from the sprinkles from overnight. The puppies started singing at 7:00 Am. They sound like they are hurt, but really want out and have figured out that the louder they are the faster I respond.  Smart! So I went out in my …

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Drover, Again…

I came home too late to feed while there was still daylight. So off to the sheep pens in the dark on the JD Gator and a flashlight to see by! I took Drover (to help with the animals)and Montanna to help with any copperheads!  They are specialists in their fields! The Kacky Campbells  (ducks) …

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“Precious Memories”

My post tonight has nothing to do with English Shepherds BUT Maybe Everything to do with them! Tomorrow we will have Easter Dinner (lunch) at my Grandma’s house only Grandma will not be there for the first time. As most of you know she passed away in June last year…. I feel kind of emotional …

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What A Dog!

Today it rained ! All day. Cold and dreary foggy. This evening Les offered to put the ducks up and I agreed very happily! When Les came back in after being gone a very long time, he said he could not find the ducks. I thought oh no! So I put all my dogs up, …

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Les spent the day mowing our yard and my Mother’s yard. Seven hours he mowed! It sure looks great! I went to town and bought feed for all of the animals. When I returned home I fixed a salad (yes again!) and after supper I went out and played with the puppies.They were quite the …

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Bone Charmers!

Today was nice and sunny, warm, breezy…I love this kind of weather! The puppies and the dogs tend to think it is all ready way to hot for their comfort, but for me it is perfect! As I spent time playing with the puppies and teaching them to come and the word “No” I thought …

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Sweet Puppies

The puppies at night stay in a 10 x 10 homemade pen under the hay shed next to our house. It is about 70 feet from my door maybe. I leave the light on at night and have the baby monitor out there so I can hear what is going on as well as the …

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May 11,2010 Diary Post

May 11, 2010 We left for Mount Rogers today to stay for four months as Camp Hosts at Fox Creek Horse Camp in Troutdale, Virginia. It is a cool spring day, sunny, dry and windy.  The anticipation is high, the dogs feel it. They have “known” for days and have been like glue to us …

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Puppy Play Pen

Have you ever thought about what would make the perfect puppy play ground?  I have given it some thought with each litter I have here. 1. lots of space 2. toys of all sorts 3.people and dogs to play with Here is what it is… The crawl space under my tack room! Dirt to lay …

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Fencing the Farm

Today Les and I worked on fencing for our sheep. The grass is growing and so pretty and green! The sheep look  so longingly at it that WE could not stand it any longer. They now have about an acre of fresh green grass to munch on and enjoy. While we work on the rest …

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