Category: English Shepherds


Okay, Drover had my heart beating hard this afternoon!   HE WENT MISSING!!!!!   Not like him at all!! BOO and the rest of the Crew were right here in the yard!  I called and called but no Drover! I jumped into the truck and went to the road to see if he was out there hurt …

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Puppy Pile !!!

Today the puppies have had my special “Puppy Swill” twice and they will have it again before I go to bed.Puppy Swill consists of Goats Milk, Dried Milk, and Purina Puppy Chow (melted in hot water) and it all looks like mush that is runny and it is served warm to the puppies. They LOVE  …

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Oh My What A Wonderful time I had! Les and I kept our friend’s 3 children while they went out to dinner for their anniversary. The first thing we did was make a cake (with duck eggs) . The children thought that was cool and then we sat with Amarillo and petted her while she …

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While in the Shop!!!

Late last night I was out feeding the puppies their warm milk (this was my second feeding.) They had finished and I had let Amarillo back in as I was saying “goodnight” to the sweeties (the three I had been holding and snuggling with) were very hard to leave… All of a sudden I heard …

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Puppy Delivery

Last month I delivered a puppy to New Mexico.  Thought I’d share a few pics.


The teeth are coming through! Amarillo’s  milk buckets are getting sore fast! She does not like little puppy teeth! So today I fixed warm goats milk and powdered milk together. You have never heard such smacking and lapping and felt such full tummies on puppies! They were funny at first.. Some were Yum Yum get …

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Herding Clinic

We had a real good turn out for the Cathy Hartley Herding Clinic at Maple Grove Farm on Saturday and Sunday! Along with English Shepherds, we had a Border Collie and an Australian Cattle Dog! Even MY DOGS are still tired!!!  Man did we work! And LEARNED so much!!!!  It was amazing! Cathy has a …

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The puppies are growing and up walking round their bed area. They are starting to cut teeth and it will not be many days till Amarillo will be very uncomfortable nursing them. So I have stocked up on caned Goats milk and tomorrow I will give them some ! They have had their nails cut …

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What I have been doing????!!!!!

It has been DAYS!!! Since my last post!  Where do I start?  Right at this moment ALL my dogs except Amarillo and the puppies (they are safe in the shop in their whelping room) are in my utility room with me because of the wind and the storms that are going through! Very strong storms! …

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Nail Day

Goodness! I can barely believe it!  I TRIMMED NAILS today!!!!   All 9 puppies had their front nails done!  Just no polish! I waited till they had just had all the dinner they could take then while they were real sleepy.  Snip snip snip. Nothing to it !  It is all about the timing!  Otherwise it …

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