Category: English Shepherds


I am often asked how I place puppies.  Many folk ask if they can pick out their own puppy or if there is a questionnaire to fill out.  I take the placement of each puppy into it’s new family very seriously and try my best to make a “perfect” match…so the short answer is “no”…here’s why… There’s …

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As I watch the puppies nurse it is so funny to note the process they go through. Step 1. wake up and sniff, sniff, sniff , go the noses “where is that milk bucket?” Step 2.  crawl, sniff, crawl, sniff, up and down left and right all the time sniffing and then “Found It!” Step …

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Puppy Weights

Lets see the puppies are 5 days old and have gained .50 pd each!!!! Yeah they must be kin to me!! They are eating every chance they get and Amarillo is such a good Mother! She barley goes to potty! Today she stayed out maybe 30 minutes but only because I insisted. My horse Texas …

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It Is Late…

I am pretty tired tonight. We had a real good Herding Workshop!  The weather was beautiful! The grass is turning green and starting to grow.  It was breezy and nice and sun shinning. Jess the Border Collie came  and worked in sun glasses! ( He has an eye condition and has to were sun glasses …

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Puppy Sounds

I slept in the whelping room again last night. The reason is I have a baby monitor in there and in my house. I wanted to spend time with them so I would know what they were doing by the sounds they make.  Plus I wanted to be able to let Amarillo go potty if …

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Every time puppies or a colt is born here on the farm (or baby ducks hatch) I find myself humbled and totally amazed by  God’s Creation!  I can only dream on how much effort and time it must have took for Him to draw up all His Plans for Creation! No wonder He does not …

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WHEW!!!!!! Finally! They are here!  The stork landed at 11:40 PM last night with the first puppy unloaded! 1. A female Black and Tan weighing .95 pd.!  2. At 12:25 AM the next puppy arrived a Black and Tan Male weighing 1.00 pd. 3. At 1:20 AM a Tri male weighing 1.10 pd. 4. At …

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Well, No Puppies YET!!!!   Still watching and waiting!  All is good! Unless you count my sleeplessness!  I am sleeping in the whelping room on an air mattress and it is not like my warm comfy bed! Amarillo is sitting up a lot I am guessing it is more comfortable that way plus it relieves the …

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WOW! I have no idea how much we got but it has rained since about 1:00AM . I spent last night in the whelping room with Ms. Amarillo! She is really close to delivery! I was able to cut all the hair away and all is ready I think. Of course she has chosen the …

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Getting Closer!

The time is nearing for Amarillo and Drover’s puppies to be born! I expect them around the 10 th of March!  She has started sleeping in the whelping room and all has been made ready . Still a few things to collect. Rebecca is bring the baby scale Saturday . All the bedding is clean …

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