Puppies Leaving Feb.15,2010

IT IS TIME …………………

…To let the puppies leave!! I am feeling some sadness as usual, but the hope so out weighs that! (bittersweet might say it better) This has been a difficult time of the year because of the weather so cold and wet! the first puppies start leaving this weekend. my what wonderful homes and places they are headed for!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I so look forward to this time of leaving because it is just the beginning and such a time of hope and happiness and love for puppies and new families as well. this is the beginning of my reward for having raised puppies not the end. I am so often asked how can you let them go? It is the phone calls, emails, letters, photos and such that sustain me and knowing that good dogs are in good homes living good lives and making others as happy (well I might be a wee bit happier) as they have made me. Such joy, such fun, such love and wonder that a sweet puppy brings has to be shared !!!

Montanna (auntie) Abilene (grandmother) , Amarillo, Hattie (moms). and daddy Dallas are very happy to see the ankle bitters , tail pullers and all round pests leave! they want their bed and yard and farm back!!!!

Drover will be sad but Abilene has promised to keep him busy! I expect it will be a while before I yearn to hear little pitt- paddy foot steps too!!!! And being woke to puppy singing.