Today…at the farm and about

This morning dawned bright and beautiful. The golden rays of sunshine on the pond were a site!

I could hear the music from the sheep bells as the lambs did early morning races and their Mamas tried to see the under control. It is all so funny to watch…

I had a lesson this morning and the clover is in full bloom along with a tiny blue flower. As I walk across the field I smell the sweet clover, it is heavenly and the honeysuckle and wild rose bushes are in bloom too…all this together is aroma therapy for sure…the sheep love this too as they hardly raise their heads from grazing, when finished they lay in the shade as a cool breeze blows and they chew their cud. What a life for all of us.

I drove by Piney Grove and visited the graves of my Mama and Daddy, Grandma and Grandpa,  and many of my kin folk buried there. I suppose I need to say why I went visiting. 

Today I was in my favorite consignment store and I caught my breath …there it was a print of my Grandma Nancys Home Place! My cousin Darnell Nance once had painted it and then had some prints made. This one was well framed and I purchased it. Oh yes I have one but to see it in  a consignment shop it did something to my spirit…I am not sure going to the grave yard is good for lifting spirits but it was needed…Piney Grove is my special place. It is Holy Ground…I love it with all my heart. I walked among so many memories. I smiled at many and cried at others…

I headed home…to the other place I love with all my heart. The peace and love I feel here is amazing…The Lark was singing and another bird was in tune with it…The Honeysuckle along with the Magnolias are blooming too… the fragrances of spring are quite heavenly. My senses were treated to pond water smells and  fresh mown hay! 

Les and I doctored a lamb and then we went to the house…

I sat outside and listened to the lambs talking to their Mamas and their responses. The evening is cool and nice the sheep bells tingling…The lambs all bedded down for the night in the hay all is right…

The birds have settled in for the evening and are all quiet…maybe an owl off in the distance or even further the lonesome call of the Whippoorwill …a few bells and then the night crickets …