The puppies arrived on December 12th, 2010. Abilene’s water broke at 12:45PM and the first puppy was born at 1:19PM and it was a tri colored male!  She delivered a total of 6 puppies by 5:54 PM then at 11:00 PM she had one more and then at 11:12PM the last puppy was born !  EIGHT IN ALL!!!!! All but two were born in the breach position! Her labor was not hard just took a while to finish. Mom and Puppies are all fine!

Today they are THREE WEEKS OLD!!!  I can hardly believe it!!!  They have their eyes open and are toddling around the pen playing with each other and me! They all get up and greet me every time I visit them! There is one the male tri with the small amount of white on its neck that has been barking at me all most from day one! He is very alert and keeps up with what is going on, while bulldozing his way through the others as they play, eat or sleep!

The puppies all want to snuggle with me after I feed them. They are eating my special “puppy  swill” of a tiny bit of Purina Puppy Chow (I make it liquid first) with Goats Milk and water. They love it! They started eating on Wednesday of this week. It is a good thing they have started eating cause their teeth are coming through and Abilene will not be able to stand their roughness at the dinner buckets!

I have wormed the puppies and Abilene once, (I do this every two weeks) and I have cut toe nails twice. Interestingly they sleep through the nail cutting! Good thing the nails are so hard to see!

I have to remodel the puppy pen tomorrow and add some leaves for them to potty on. Plus  redo the bedding something I change every other day.

I am starting to see bits of personality I think. It is all ways interesting to see if I am correct in what I think about the puppies at this age and when they are older and I can tell more then.