
I wanted to share this email with everyone.  ~ Kay
“I am amazed every time!” was the perfect spiritual connection at the perfect time.  Late last night I heard a little noise under a hen ( she was perfect, only left her nest once in 28 days, never tryed to peck) we had set with 7 peking duck eggs.  I could not believe that even one of the eggs would hatch (dirty eggs that had been laid by the  6 mama ducks which had been mauled and killed by the huge dog–several days covered with snow and exposed to freezing conditions for numerous nights).
Yes, it is amazing — 2 baby ducks at @7am, another popped out at @ 9am, and another at  @11am and number 5 was under the Mama hen when we moved her from my grandfather’s nest to a grow-up cage.  Another little one was fully developed but just couldn’t break out of the shell and one was not fertile. Mother noticed that the little ducking still in the shell with just a little beak crack is positioned just the same way a baby sheep comes-(head) beak out  & feet forward to assist in breaking the shell.  And yes the little deceased duck was given a burial service.  
Thank you for expressing so perfectly our feelings and gratitude for our 5 little duckling miracles.
Side note:  the morning I found the 5 ducks mauled (plus 3 injured) and dragged around the yard was the moment I became determined to locate a ” farm” english shepherd — and we feel so lucky to have found “Tucker” , Kay and Les.
Take care, Marlene and Dixie