Another Evening at Maple Grove Farm…

078It started out a cold grey wet day with a fine rain falling. All day I noticed the fog …It covered the mountains in the distance totally like ancient volcanoes. Then I would look and they would be visible, my landmarks again!

At lunch the rain stopped long enough for the dogs and I to walk down and turn the sheep out. Happy they were to be free to graze the fresh tender green grass that is sprouting up because of the rain and very mild temperatures. The sheep have to forage to find the grass, but it is available! No more soggy wet hay !

Sheep are a pleasure to observe. When turned out they are joyful and happy and run and jump and leap! So free and and expressive. I love to hear the tinkle of the their bells as they move about the farm.

My 6 English Shepherds had a ball , having been on the porch for 3 days all most. I let BOO out as well, and all the dogs ran and played nicely with each other.
Ms. Timber had the zoomies! Silly puppy! What total abandonment of herself! What freedom to run like the  wind! It was easy to see she was loving every leap and bounce and fly bye she did! Even Abilene seemed to think it was okay today! BOO and Drover joined in Timber’s fun and what a time that all had! Montanna (now visibly lighter in weight) was bouncing some and very happy as well! Amarillo with her silly grin said it all!

As the evening progressed and the light became dim, I realized I needed to go down and gather my flock and put them up for the night.

So Drover and I walked down and we left the girls on the porch much to Timber’s distress which she let be known very loudly! Click click click the sound my shepherd’s staff made on the driveway. Just behind the dam the flock was scattered all over 2 acres and as we approached they did not lift their heads.

We walked in close to the flock and I put Drover in a down stay . I continued thru the middle of the flock still not a raised head, and on towards the front of the flock. I released Drover and he gathered the flock quietly, efficiently and calmly  and to the pens we walked . All easy like and not even a trot by the sheep or dog!

We shut the gates and headed to the house.

I was quite pleased with my dog and I told him so. Drover Beamed and reflected my approval in his attitude and he played with me at my side.

Seven months ago this job that seemed so effortless and easy this evening… was quite a task for my dog and me! My how far we have come in such a short period of time! What a bond we have developed. Like no other I have ever had with my dog. We know, anticipate and compliment each other in this work.