Plotting Their Escape!!!

037Les and I went to breakfast in Denton this morning and the sheep were seemingly eating on that large round bale of hay that we put in for them yesterday. But as I have noted before (sheep are never content with what they have) No matter how good it is…. (remind you all of any other species?)

We were gone about two hours….As we came up the driveway as is my habit I looked at the sheep pens and There were NO SHEEP!!! I said to Les ” The sheep are gone!” (first thought was a sheep napping!) well sort of …as in what if the coyotes came and broke in while we were gone! Les said “Oh they are down there!” then “I better crank the Gator for you!”  Which he did and I loaded my Working dog Drover and picked up my stock stick. Started to head down and  as if on cue “Enter to the right running fast across the dam” Twenty Two Katahdin Sheep! They quickly spread out and start to graze close to but not in with the horses.

This Search and Gather Mission became a Go Find and Fix the Fence Mission!  sigh!

So I load all the dogs up and head down on the Gator with all my fence fixing tools.

What do you think I found? They had knocked the Blue Gate off the hinges!

Happy once again with their lot in life (at least until they decide to ‘break out!)