PUPPIES…growing, eating, playing

Video tomorrow of the puppies! (Seems I forget I have a camera!) duh!

Yesterday the puppies had their first can of Goats Milk! It was a HIT! Top of the charts! They drank the whole can!

Tonight I mixed up Goats Milk, dried milk and water. (Way too much) But they drank their fill! Then BOO finished it off!

The puppies are so funny…They are playing with each other and every now and then you can hear a little growl! They are pushing each other around and rolling and doing the puppy play! Trying to run! So funny to watch!

Growing like weeds! They are beautiful and there are THREE that come up and greet me every time I visit!  This is an impressive litter!

Did I mention their teeth are coming thru? I am not so sure BOO appreciates that fact! 🙂