Drover’s Stock Dog Journal…Today 11/27/13

Kay sent me to find the sheep around 3:30 this evening…Like good luck with that! I could not see them and I looked everywhere! It was like they had been beamed up! No a sign…a few smells and I followed them all over to no sheep! Then finally as Kay walked across the dam and towards the creek she saw them ! You got to remember She is 5 foot 5 and I am about 32 inches above the ground at best.

So Kay called me and I came running from the bottoms. She sent me to gather and then stopped me. ! WHAT?! Well the sheep were on the other side of the fence! So we walked up and figured out how to get me on the side of the fence with the sheep. Took us a minute and then there it was! A ditch and under the fence I went!

I tried real hard and did gather the sheep but they would not move past a point. I got kinda loud and Kay said to stop! Then I gathered those sheep but they would not go anywhere! Kay told me LIE! so I did! She went down a steep bank and into the woods and the sheep could see her and yes! They started going towards her! I made them move faster! She said Steady! That means slow down! And I did!  We started towards the pond and there was this one pesky lamb that was not wanting to stay with the flock. (Kay thinks I was picking on it and that I enjoyed nipping it) But I was trying to get it to keep up and then the sheep all took off and all we were left with was that one slow and not to bright lamb!

Kay says she should have been paying attention to the flock and not the one lamb and we would not have lost the flock and had all the trouble that followed. Because one sheep does not herd.

We did the best we could…I told Kay to kiss my foot! at one point… She explained to me how that was not an option and it would never happen!  I understood completely and pouted a bit . I said you want to drive that lamb then DO IT YOURSELF!!! Make no mistake my Kay CAN DO IT!

We got that lamb back to the pond and it threw itself on the ground and said NO MORE! I QUIT!  Kay said leave it! (I am sure she was getting short tempered by then not with me but with that lamb!  She called me off …so we could go gather the flock and bring them back to the lamb! Well I was not listening I was doing routine! So I put the sheep up in the pens!

The wind was blowing about 25 miles per hour and it was cold and the sun had set by this time…it was still light. …Kay said we had to hurry ! I brought the flock across the dam to the lamb and it was mighty pretty work! Then Kay had me go between the pond (full of water) and the sheep! I could tell she was amazed!  I did a great job! (we been practicing such work) We were doing fine till that silly lamb decided to go down the back of the dam and hide! REALLY!!!! I went to bring it back but it was not going to listen so it hid in the briars and thicket! Now Kay was mad! Not at me! But she was mad! She said so and told me to leave it we would come back with the Gator and get it.

So we put the flock in the barn except for the Churrios that had never been in the barn. I took them around the barn but they are fast and could not see where the other sheep were. So Kay said That will do! and we put them in the arena for the night. They have lots of soft wool and should be good and warm no matter what.

So back to that pesky silly lamb! (I am fairly sure Kay was saying other things about that lamb) She sent me in the thicket to find it and I did. Then she said bring it out and I got it about 12 feet from the field. (at one point I was told to do whatever it took!) but I was not mean to it then it LAID DOWN AGAIN!!! So Kay started to walk in… by now it was dark (but still enough light to see) on the first step in a bramble briar caught Kay on the nose and lip!  BLOOD everywhere! It Poured! And Yes Kay was really mad then! 😉

She said to the lamb” I should let the coyotes have you!” But  she wiped the blood off and came on in! That lamb was limp and impossible to pick up! Like a bag of water!  Well Kay was not to be out done at this point not by no mere lamb and a silly creature at that! Picked up what she could and flipped it end over end gently  till she got it to the field. She left me in charge of the lamb, and went to the Gator. Drove it to where we were and loaded the lamb on the back with BOO and I!  OH! I forgot to mention BOO was along on the Gator ride part of the story! So to the barn and into the stall Kay took the lamb!

Tonight I heard Kay say her legs hurt and she was tired! Boy I am tired too!

***Drover did a fabulous job through all this mess! He was my right hand and helper! Without him I would have lost this lamb …Today a shepherdess and her English Shepherd did the job that has been done for 1000s of years. Much the same way it has all ways been done. Except for the gator and the pink Shepherdess stick…***