Christmas, 2013

Les and I did not go to church today. He wanted to! But a man with 22 staples in his back should stay home…

I spent the afternoon washing off the driveway. Lots of mud and dirt and rocks grass…A real job and a big mess.

Set me to thinking …

I was sad and shed a few tears… This is my first Christmas with out my parents and grandparents.

I miss Momma…Daddy, Grandma and Grandpa…

I thought about how blessed I am…I have a wonderful , loving husband Les , family, good friends, good health, plenty to eat, a warm nice place to live….My English Shepherds, Montanna, Abilene, Amarillo, Drover, BOO, and Timber…Tuff (my horse) and the sheep!

Today God Blessed me in a special, surprising un thought of way!

I remember years ago saying we should major on what we have now and minor on what is gone…smile…

Yes I was given that gift today…The one that I can’t really share. But it is the gift that lets you “know” that God hears our prayers and does answer them…But most of all that God loves us and cares for us as He says in His Word…
