Simple Country Pleasures…

Years ago there was a writer Jo Northrop that wrote short articles for Country Living Magazine…and she titled them “Simple Country Pleasures”. The first one I remember reading was about quilts 🙂 I use the same title for some of my blogs when I write about my simple country pleasures…

This time of year causes me to reflect on the passing years…Of memories and how very blessed I am…

For many years I gave riding lessons. I met so many wonderful families this way. I have been so blessed by the children I have taught and what they have taught me about myself and life…

I think of one young girl that so loved riding and how her parents purchased her a horse. She called him Stormy. He was a good horse for a girl! The girl is now in college! Studying to be a nurse!  (I will never forget how the ducks hung out under Stormy)  for the shade… he was a large horse…Stormy just swished his tail stood quietly and provided what the ducks needed and wanted and at feeding time shared his supper with them!

Then there was Christmas Eve at Grandma and Grandpa’s …sigh…they are gone…now…But reading the Christmas Story from Luke Chapter 2 was my favorite part! I still know it by heart (or as you might say memory) I can see all the faces of my family (so many gone home) sitting quietly and listening to the reading. Of the imaginary the scripture reveals of that first Christmas. I can see the young couple and the donkey…feel the pain of no room for them…the misery of a young woman about to give birth…Something that I never hear about is how much FAITH this young couple had to have to trust believe and wait for God to provide for their needs!

Of all the wonders they were shown! Common Shepherds paying honor to the baby and latter Wise men with gifts… Of angels and warnings and the sheer difficulties they faced…

Then Angels singing and announcing the birth of Jesus! and the sight of a Star!

I love that song “Oh Beautiful Star of Bethlehem!”

When I tend to my sheep in the evenings it is cold and quiet and I imagine the first shepherds with their flocks and how they must have felt…In the cold dark evening I can feel it and see it in my mind and feel it in my heart.

Our Christmas Tree is up and decorated ! How my Daddy loved to see the Christmas tree up! I never decorate our tree without shedding a tear or two. (Daddy passed away on March 24th, 1990) It has been 24 years…He was only 53.

I think of cousins and uncles and aunts of good food, Grandma’s house warm and the wonderful smells from her kitchen …and stories of Christmas from long ago. How times were different  and hard. How Great Aunt Grace never had a bought store doll but had homemade ones! And how she told of dried raisins on a stem, oranges and dried orange peel that was dried and savored for months…and one piece of hard candy…But I can feel the love, see the big Nance family gathered by the fireplace and the wood stove in the big country kitchen…Grandma Nance in her apron, and good hearty food on the table for 13  children!

Les and I live simple lives…We plan to have friends in for Christmas Dinner. Turkey dressing and the trimmings! Weather permitting I will spend some time with the sheep and think about long ago shepherds on the Judean hill side and Angels visiting them…Maybe just maybe I will see, smell and feel that simpler time…


We wish the best for you and yours in 2015!!!

From :

Kay, Les, Montanna, Abilene and her Seven, Amarillo, Drover, BOO, Timber, LuLu, 29 Sheep all named Belle, Abraham, Tuff and Texas!!!
