
My sweet Aunt Peggy …

She is a wonderful, sweet, caring  person. A wonderful cook…And some of you know her for her fabulous pickles!

She is all ways making me something like a scissors holder complete with scissors! Now I all ways know where they are!

Aunt Peggy is an amazing knitter and makes all types of great helpful items.

This after noon late I needed to check the sheep for parasites. It involves looking at the sheep’s lower lid…if it is red that is good. pale or white needs treatment!

As I walked across the pasture with Drover driving the flock to the holding pens and KAT Ballou at my side…I had a bag slung over my shoulder with all my medicines and tools …I thought about how wonderful it is to have a wonderful loving family…How my family is shrinking in number. I also thought of sweet Aunt Peggy and this wonderful bag she gave me to hold my sheep medicines and such…I am truly blessed.