I Knew!!!

I had not lost the eye to the wood cook stove!   I knew it! But yet when we moved back to the farm in 1998 I could not find but 5 of the 6 eyes!

So I used a pan and sat a pot in it and no one ever suspected!

Okay the story!

I was out one Saturday checking out yard sales (one of my favorite things to do!)  and the neighbor was putting their stuff up for the day. I could hardly believe it! They had a wood cook stove a Carolina Beauty! (course most of the beauty was in the eye of this beholder:-)

I stopped and asked how much for that ole wood cook stove. He said $50. and I WILL DELIVER IT!  Holy Smoke! I had hit the jack pot! I paid he delivered and Les repaired sand blasted and painted it…WOW!

It came into my living room and I enjoyed it every day! Then we decided to move…after 20 years in one place… I had to make decisions about what was really important to me…No thought at all about the wood stove it had to come with!

So it did ! and we lived in The Shepherd’s Cottage for 16 years…. the wood stove was a part of our home there.

When Momma passed 4 years ago we moved again. Into the home my parents built in 1960! The wood stove stayed at The Shepherd’s Cottage… and I missed it every day!

Well today my brother Kenneth and my nephew Jay came down and moved the wood stove one more time!  It is now in my kitchen!

Sigh….Back home and now everything looks like I live here! 🙂

Feels like it too!

OH ! The EYE!  Okay in 1998 when we moved the eye disappeared! I looked high low and figured it bounced off the truck some how in the move! Well Kenneth and Jay took the wood stove apart as much as possible to lighten the moving…Guess where the eye was?

It had fallen down inside the stove and was safely hidden till Kenneth found it!

YES! 🙂