A New Lamb!

We had a very exciting time here at the farm Saturday afternoon!

Les noticed several days ago that one of the young ewes (1/2 Katahdin and 1//2 Dorper) was making a bag. That meant a lamb was on its way soon! So I had kept a watch on her…

Sure enough Saturday afternoon I saw signs that delivery was imminent.

KAT and I took the flock to the 40 foot round pen, then sorted out every sheep but this ewe, her mother, and an ole sheep I call 1 teat and her lamb. 

My reasoning: 1 teat keeps the buzzards away and is smart and savvy …Her lamb is not weaned yet …(buzzards will kill the lambs as they are born and can kill the ewe too) the young ewe was clinging to her mother. So all were happy with the company, accommodations and extra hay while we waited for parturition.

Gerry Chase, Elvis, and Chere continued with our herding lessons and when we finished about 45 minutes latter KAT and I checked on the ewe.

She had started to deliver! The head was out and dry! Not a good sign…I called Drover and Les to help. Put KAT in a down stay and the assisted delivery began !  Drover helped Les catch the ewe (he does this job all the time)  Les caught and held the ewe. Drover watched her and she watched him. Causing the ewe to be still and since she is familiar with Drover she was not concerned and that helped her concentrate on her work!

The shoulders of the ram lamb were too wide and both were square against the ewes birth canal opening. I ended up pushing one shoulder down and grabbed hair behind the shoulder and with each contraction the ram lamb was quickly born! This was a very large lamb taking after the Dorper side of his mother …(a note here I called on Jesus for help! I was doing some serious praying for help!  When I did everything worked)

What a mess I was after this birthing! Quickly to the shower!

Lucky and his good mother are doing fine! In a few days they will be turned out with the flock! Being out with the flock is too much walking for the very young lamb so they are enjoying good hay, lots of fresh water and sunshine!

We still have 4 Ewes that should lamb soon…

Thank the Lord this was in the daylight…