God Is So Good!

I am up early “for me” to walk Drover.

The ground is all most frozen and Jack Frost is visiting!  Kinda making himself at home!

The ground crunches under our feet as we walk along. A few birds are discussing their plans for the day!  It is quiet, peaceful, and cold. Like this time of year is suppose to be.

The early morning air is clean and clear.

Drover scoots and rolls in the frost clearly loving it! I love see him feeling better.

The sheep are still and quiet. Waiting for the sun to rise. They amaze me. Every morning they face the east and wait for the sun to greet them and warm their bodies.

On second thought I think the sheep are thanking God for everything they have while they stand facing the rising warm sun shine!

I have seen God’s Mighty hand at work in the last 4 days. When I saw no way and all I tried to do failed…God was right there and ready.

I have amazing good friends.

And a new found trust and faith in The Lord…beyond words…