The Great Sheep Escape!!!

As I write this I laugh at the sheep…and us…
The birds were busy singing their songs of praise as the sun came up over Dutchman’s Mountain in Jackson Creek. The sheep bells and occasional bah from a lamb and its Mother were all part of the beautiful Sunday morning.

After church Les and I headed down to the field on the Gator to put the sheep behind the dam to eat the fresh grass. They were especially eager and happy. As they took off for the woods with bells clanging I said to Les ” why are they in such a hurry to go into the woods?” They were even jumping with joy. Les said “ah you know sheep”…

Les was practicing hitting his irons (he golfs) down in the field and came to the house and announced “the sheep are out!”
That ended any hope of a happy swing nap with my KAT…
Off we went to fetch the sheep back to the house.
Drover was the dog I chose. Because I know he will gather and do the job…this is how he was trained in this sort of situation. I trust him to do the job.
Well…I really need to start using KAT for this sort of work. She is young, smart, willing and able…another story…
So Drover and I got the sheep up…the neighbors had provided a fine meal of fresh grass and a lark off the farm for the sheep. With the ram and the 1 feral ewe plus 21 Barbados sheep I was concerned they might scatter. But thank the Lord the sheep have become a flock and we had very little trouble getting the sheep back to the farm. We had a couple silly lambs…that got away from their Mothers but that all got sorted out. and one super smart Barbados ewe that went back the way she came from!
Drover got really hot doing the work and I took time to cool him off.

Then we went to the house and switched dogs. KAT came back to finish the work. Drover took a rest.

The whole deal with sheep or any stock that is “out” is to take your time, be smart and do not get in a hurry or worried! Think …make a plan and then work the plan.
Les went back along the fence and found a small place in the fence…where the sheep slipped thru. I bet they have looked for weeks for a gap in the fence!
Les fixed the fence and got into the briars for his trouble! He looked like a golfer that fell into a briar patch!

The Great Sheep Escape Ended Well ! All are safe and home and happy…plotting the next escape!