Simple Country Treasures….

I have been watching the moon the last couple of nights as it grows. The big orange ball as it comes up over the trees…Shrouded in clouds  then clear …I love the light it casts on the big field in front of our home.  I like to walk out and look round at the farm in this light with my dogs at my feet…

The heat is hard on everything. Dogs, sheep, horses, plants…Us!

We all cope in our own way… I get out early to do things… The dogs have places with fans, places they can dig down into the ground for coolness…Then there is the basement! Cool concrete 16 feet under the ground …and ceiling fans…That is the best place!

The sheep and horses go to the woods for comfort and then Tuff gets into the pond!

I am thankful for air conditioning!   and ceiling fans!

Les put the sheep up for me this evening…I was sleeping, it has been a rough day to have a Migraine Visit! But now all is better.

The sheep are in front of the house where I am. Like the dogs they stay close to me their shepherd.