The Heart of a Shepherd…(Drover)


As the sun sets on this wet, damp, grey, cloudy day. It has been amazingly warm . The rain has been in showers light and off and on…

I sit here in the window of our living room and watch the fog roll into the low places along the branch and off in the distance along the neighbor’s branch.  Neither have names…Just wet weather branches that do a good job when needed. ..and tomorrow I expect they will be needed. 

We had lambs born today! Two sets of twins. The first set came without any help from me, thank the Lord! The second set came latter in the afternoon. I had been watching the black Dorper ewe and thought she was in labor.  She had that arched back and then I saw the sack that supplies the lamb come out first. In my experience that means trouble. 

Les and I got our supplies loaded on the gator and took Drover. 

The ewe was difficult to catch but Les got a hold of her leg. He held her and we were able to determine the lamb was in trouble. I pulled with each contraction and was able to get the head lined up with the feet. (the lamb’s head was turned back) soon the lamb appeared… a bit weak but fine and soon trying to walk. The ewe laid down and soon delivered the second lamb with a bit of help from me. She had two ram lambs and they are fine. The ewe was ravenously hungry. She left the lambs to fend for themselves and caused a bit of confusion to all.

Drover had been lying quietly watching with the eyes and heart of a Shepherd over all of the work. He winced as the ewe cried in the birthing process. He watched attentively as the lambs found their legs and were able to rise and walk. He wanted badly to lick and “mother up” the lambs but was careful and waited. one of the lambs walked towards him…Drover looked at the lamb and then at me our eyes met and Drover knew it was okay so he crawled to the lamb and “mothered it up” . When the Mother ewe realized Drover was doing her job she forgot about food and went back to her lambs… 

Now the fog is making the whole farm and Jackson Creek seem mystical!  

The day has been like that…a good day…with lots of new life on the farm…

and as I sit here watching the lambs with their Mothers…Drover has been out numerous times to check on them. He sits and quietly watches  listens then goes back to the carport, only to return in a little bit. 

Drover truly has the Shepherd’s Heart…