Sunday Morning … Simple Country Pleasures….

A sweet lamb with and even Sweeter Boy!


As I sit here, on this cool Sunday morning…I can almost see the grass growing outside my window  in the big field. Ths sheep are sleeping in it seems. Actually they are waiting on the sun to warm them, five of the 60 plus are up grazing…

The sky is grey blue cloudy all over with a few puffy grey clouds they all seem tucked in place from my view…like a big puffy comforter on a bed…only the earth is the bed .

There is a slow cool breeze blowing out of the east…Grandma use to say “not good for man nor beast”. 

With all the restrictions imposed right now…the one thing I miss is CHURCH !  All I can say is our preachers best be saving up our sermons for when we do start back! 

And let me say something about our minister Brother Bob… He called yesterday ALL of the congregation! and talked to each one with words of ENCOURAGEMENT!  Yes he did!

Reflecting on this past week…it has been interesting, and good for me. 

My friend Gerry and I have worked dogs on sheep 4  days!  my friend Shona and I  one day, and I worked last Sunday with Mae , Journey and KAT.

Yesterday Drover, KAT, BOO and Journey  had a flea bath (I had Four Flea Baths) ! 

The Shepherd’s Cottage and The Bunk House at Maple Grove Farm are ready for guests! 

We have doctored sheep and lambs this week trimmed a few feet ( all the lambs) …

The farm is good…the sheep are well sheep… and healthy! The dogs are all fine as is Tuff, Les and I healthy and sassy!

Real living and the world at Maple Grove Farm.

My friend Ashlyn had a difficult loss this week…Ole Chiscoe passed away (a horse) …It was very hard for her…and I had few words of encouragement. But I can say no horse was better loved or taken care of than him. Ashlyn has done all things possible for him and because of her excellent care he lived an extra 5 years if not longer!  

There have been some amazingly beautiful days this week. Warm, sunny, time filled with fine friends, good sheep and good dogs! and some pretty amazing Krispy Kreme Donuts! Gerry you are so wonderfully sweet! 

Journey is doing amazing work…some good …some interesting and some get out of that what are you thinking! LOL! I am learning so much from working Journey! 

KAT is well KAT!  My friend my pal my girl! my first in the flea bath she is willing to do anything I ask of her…and then watched all the others!  On that subject…Drover cried at first…please don’t put me in that water!  Seriously Drover! Drama?!! BOO sat in it and Journey endured it quietly with dignity. Snicker! What dogs!  All are pretty happy this morning, though they had Saturday night baths! 

Even Drover worked sheep this week. He as all ways did a fine job!  He is my “Little Buddy”.

My good friend Gerry is on her way to work sheep. Time to get ready! Hope my shoes are dry by now!  

Remember God says in His Word “we do not have because we do not ask” . God is our Father and wants to do good things for us…

Just this week I prayed over my refrigerator for us to be blessed with good food …10 minutes later my friend Shona shows up with homemade pickles and peppers! There you go! Yum!

Have an awesome most blessed week this week everyone!