Now There Are Five…


It was Me and my Four! and has been for some time now…

I was gifted with the sweetest little puppy… girl mainly black and tan some white. Shona O’Kane brought her to me! Her name is Tabor! Like Mt Tabor in the Bible, but named after our little country church at Jackson Creek, where my family (the Nance’s ) attended church.

Tabor is out of Rose and Rip… Shona raised her and I can see Shona’s sweet, kind, loving, spirit has been deposited into puppy Tabor.

So it has been a while since I had a puppy and I forgot they are looking for real food not “their food” Right? I had some meat that, not thinking… I threw out this morning… I had thawed it out overnight. My boys were busy worrying over KAT being in heat…BOO was being lazy…so Tabor found it… stored it… and ate a fair amount of it! I totally forgot about what was to come latter…. watching her bury it…Smart pup I thought…well dumb ME about an hour ago! Bless her little heart she had the runs and they smell awful! 

She is outside with the big dogs in an X pen…I don’t like that but I can’t deal with cleaning a crate in the middle of the night! 

My multi talented puppy

went for a truck ride today…Tabor is a good traveler. Turns out a very good guarder of me and the truck . She ran a real big lab mix off! He left because of her!  Good Girl!