Sweet Rain…Simple Country Pleasures…

As I sit looking out my window into a lofty sea of green dotted with an occasional fragrant white bloom…I hear the soft rain falling on the Magnolia leaves. It is a lovely sweet sound, with an even lovelier fragrance. I hear the soft tingle of sheep bells in the field…sigh…I wonder if my sweet Mother ever thought of this and the peace the beautiful trees she loved so dearly would bring to me one day. ?

As a girl mowing around the trees growing up I disliked having to trim around the trees! They were difficult to get around no Zero turn mowers back then! We had a Sears riding mower that I thought better served me riding on the gravel driveway to the highway and then back !  (Daddy claimed I wore out a set of tires that summer) LOL!  Oh the days before 4 wheelers, and JD Gators!  How did we (I) survive? 

I do wonder why Mama loved the Magnolia tree so much?! I have no idea…Maybe there is a story I just do not remember ???! 

She loved them and lined the driveway with them! They are beautiful! What a sweet blessing they are to me…And my what a sweet country pleasure they are to me!