
It is late…I should go on to bed…but here I am wide awake…thinking…

How beautiful and wonderful the weather was today.  Like Spring but not! One of those days that are borrowed from Spring by Winter! A tease…of how wonderful Spring is! 

Alley and Queenie  came by and spent the afternoon with us. Her dogs are quite the swimmers. Remmie had fun in the pond as did Queenie ! What jumpers and splashers! I believe they would swim all day if allowed. 

We worked sheep too. It was hard. But much was learned …

We had supper of mashed potatoes, green beans and corn, Gerry’s sweet potato  casserole  cranberry sauce, turkey and dressing!  Oh and cake! 

This is going to be a short week with so much happening here! Lessons Monday and Tuesday. Lynda is visiting and taking lessons. Plus our 4 day clinic , Thursday thru Sunday. and Ashlyn and I are adding a clinic in Yadkinville!  on Wednesday….

Much to do and to get ready for in January! Plans to be made…

oh and a bathroom to finish remodeling! 

Much to ponder….

The goodness of God! His love and forgiveness.