Thank you Tosha and Ashlyn…

It is raining and we do need the rain! and it is now late night…the rain sounds so good! I had time to sit down and look at my website. We have a Susan Long AKC Herding Clinic this weekend and yes we worked in the rain…We are all so happy to work sheep we do not care if it rains…

My website had been maintained by me for several years…and if you have visited during that time you could tell I had no idea how do this!

Many years ago when we (Tosha) set my website up she had to do everything! (Well still has to) 🙂  But I do the blogs and manage to get photos up…then the photo part became unlinked…and the links fell like dominos…

The other day Tosha asked if she could work on it some. Are you serious!!! YES! PLEASE!!!! Oh MY!  It looks wonderful again!  I am so pleased and proud of her work! Just look around and see…Ashlyn has many photos on the website too as does Tosha…

Tosha is a very talented lady…photography is one of her many accomplishments! both daughters are talented in photography as well…! 

Ashlyn was like 3 maybe and that was almost 16 years ago… The day this lovely family came for riding lessons and they have been  my good family ever since…Like nieces and  a sweet nephew the kind you love to see coming! 

I was most blessed the day this good family came for riding lessons!  You never know what door God is opening for you…and God restores the years the locusts have eaten! He is true and faithful to His Word! For I am living proof! 

Thank You Tosha! For everything…You are a true blessing !

                                                      Maple Grove Farm’s Amarillo (Journey’s maternal grand dam)


Maple Grove Farm’s Journey