The Why…

Allie and I took a trail ride down by my Great Grandma Nance’s place… a few days ago. 

Sigh…the old home is gone…It stood for 100 years and a few…

I always wondered WHY that spot was chosen by my Great Grandpa  Nance…

I saw it for the first time since the old home was gone and I can tell you it took my breath!

The most beautiful green valley I have ever laid eyes on! Surrounded by mountains  (ours here are not more than 1600 feet above seal level) 

It was comforting , home, safe, stunning…and truly I was surprised! I had always loved the place but thru my Grandma’s eyes and heart…not mine…till I saw the sun shinning on it and how it rolled down towards the creek..not in sight , but there!  The peace…I can see now what my Great Grandpa saw…and why he chose that spot for his home to raise his family of 13 children…

No photos this time…maybe in the winter when the leaves are gone so you can see better!