Old Sheep…I love them…

The Grandma’s as I call them have become quite special to me…

Last December when it turned so bitter cold here for two weeks I kept the Two Grandma’s in the barn in their stall, we also brought our two horses in, and put them in their stalls. It was bitter….cold….

I started feeding the Grandma’s feed and hay…then after the cold spell I left them in our yard area during the day. They became my Yard Flock trimming up everything green…then at night they went to the barn ,were fed and hayed, and the next day the same all thing over…

They have always been friendly and sweet .

I am a sheep farmer! Not running a petting zoo LOL!  Well the two ole girls are now my personal pets and can’t stay in the yard because Lillies and such are coming up green…and they EAT GREEN THINGS!  

I put them in the pasture during the day and bring them in when it is wet, or cold…to the barn…

This evening it was raining pretty good. (I had left the two in the barn all day I did not want them wet!)So I trudged  to the barn listening to the frogs singing “Oh Happy Day!” in my cowboy boots (waterproof)  as the cold wet rain peppered into my boots..The fresh rain smell was heavenly…I had the frog toggs on and was fairly dry…I thought yes I have sheep feed in my boots, no socks on, and I am getting wet feet! I have totally lost it over two old ewes!

You know I love them! I can’t explain it! They have been with me for 13 plus years and have been good Mamas , and good workers. Never any trouble…Raised good lambs just like them! They have personality and are characters! When they are in the field with the other sheep they baah at me and want me to let them thru the gate! And I do ! Its like they are saying come on we belong with you or at least in the barn! 

I could hire them out as good rose bush trimmers! Ha!

Yes they deserve some special care!