3 AM…so you want to raise sheep?

Here it is 3 AM Sunday morning (Palm Sunday) I am blogging…waiting on lambs! 

I had set my alarm for 2 AM and slept thru that alarm (tired from last night’s adventure. ) but my conscience could not allow me to sleep!  So up and out to the quietness of the night…a few bells but I think the ewes are careful with them this time of night. Something likely a fox made an odd noise below the cottage…the wind was wicked…happy there are no lambs yet. hopefully they are wise and wait this cool spell out! or wait for the sun shine! 

I so prefer ewes that lamb in the daytime!

Last night this time I found a beautiful lamb singleton,,, sex as yet unknown…

So I  made Drover stay at the house as he is almost deaf and I did not want him not understanding me and scaring a ewe…not knowing what I would find…I took my tour alone…missing my “little Buddy”…the Lamb Master!  I was back in the house lights on outside and what did I observe? Drover taking my same tour of the ewes without bothering them and checking behind me to make sure I had not missed anything! What a good, good dog! My “Little Buddy ” is on the job ! If like me awake! 

So you want to be a sheep producer?!

Enjoy our April Fools Day Lamb Photos!