This Time of Year…

We have our coldest, roughest weather in February usually…this February has been true to what is normal…We have had teens and single numbers for temps…High winds…the neighbors new barn is on the ground posts snapped off like a stick! (made me sick to see that) trees down…snow, sleet and freezing rain…

Cold and wet and well February!

We have 31 lambs and they are doing well. Seems I have quite a crop of RAMS! They are pretty but will have to go to market. I have photos if I can get them off my camera!

My puppy is a good pup and learning and doing well! I am pleased! Still no name!

We had the Larry Painter Sheep Camp last week..survived the cold and learned so much. (More on that in the next week) Now I have time to blog…

Spring is round the corner ….
