Simply Mud, Mud, Mud…

Daddy and I at Easter when I was 5 with our black and tan English Shepherd!  Who knew I would become a farmer?

In 48 hours we have had at least 4 and 1/2 inches of rain . I just remembered 48 hours ago I have a rain gauge!  That is when I started to use it…

Mud like I have never experienced. We have to use the all wheel drive to get across the dam on the gator! 

In the last 24 hours…I have delivered 1 lamb, had twins born, (one did not make it)  I have a ewe ready to lamb and she is really heavy with lambs.  Two young ewes ready to lamb and one Barbados Ewe that lambed this morning the one I had to help . She does not want the lamb to nurse (it is a really beautiful lamb)  So Drover and I have to make her nurse it every four hours.  Then the ewe with the twins has to have help getting up to nurse her lamb…What a good mother she is! She goes to sleep standing while the lamb is nursing and I help her stay awake. Then I lost a ewe this morning she had a young lamb but it will be able to steal enough milk to be fine…I feel so bad for it.  

All this rain is taking a toll on the sheep. They are wet, cold , and random ewes are delivering. I think I have all of the expectant ewes in the barn. 

The dogs are all wet…well Drover is not! I have never been able to figure it out but he does not do wet:-) 

I have went thru all my rain coats and changed clothes numerous times…Les has changed 3 times. 

This morning we brought the ewe with the lamb to the barn (the one that delivered twins) we put her on the trailer in a bed of blankets behind the gator …she had spent the night in the field because she delivered after dark and usually it is best not to move them for 8 hours or so… I rode with her and the lamb…well Les got stuck on the way out of the field and I was on the giving end of the Gator tires filled with all the nasty mud! Thus the way I spent my day! 

Farming! I love it!!! 

But I have to say it is not easy… and I feel for all the Dairy Farmers!  I can only imagine their mud! and difficulties!