Category: English Shepherds

My Life With English Shepherds

Some of my favorite photos…

Maple Grove Farm At Sunset…

I was looking at my field over the past few days and noticed a weed called Night Shade (Carolina Horsenettle)  growing. Four years ago I had a small patch in the lower part of my 7 acre field . I should have got after it then! But thought the sheep would eat it and kill …

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Country Treasures…


Life has many twists and turns…like a country road…they were all ways built to go by everyone’s house.  Then other houses thru the years were built up along the twisting country roads.  I smile as I remember my Sweet Mama saying about one such twisting curvy road…”the man that built that road ( Crouse Town …

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Drover’s Stock Dog Savvy Post…

Of all the great dogs…I have one of the best dogs I will ever have the pleasure of knowing and being a part of his life…My world is so much better because of Drover…Simpler, and easier too…but I am ahead of my story. Early this morning after the sheep were let out to the grazing …

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Sitting At My Desk…

I am listening to all the different bells as the sheep go about their business of picking the fresh green grass. What a “Simple Country Pleasure” this is. Music that is unique.  Even the birds are quiet!  It is late…but the melody is soothing and peaceful… I have found with the help of my good …

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My Story…

May be long, I suppose…but here goes! We were getting ready for the AHBA March 9,10,11 herding trial at Maple Grove Farm… Thursday March 8th was a cool grey, cloudy day …it was late in the afternoon, and we had much still to do…Last minute things that can only be done last minute…. and then …

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Simple Country Pleasures…


Spring Early Morning Sounds… The sheep bells are softly tinkling in the field…here and there they are making the most beautiful, peaceful sounds. I know the sheep are safe and happy…some still sleeping, some grazing contently. The birds are having a contest to see who can sing the best song, while others are accompanying them…then …

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The 2nd Edition of…

THE GREAT SHEEP ESCAPE!!! This morning I was looking out over the farm from my bedroom window enjoying the beauty the rain had brought to the farm…All the green…the trees all leafing out…when I saw a sheep in the neighbor’s field. It was green she is white (from all the rain) washed clean for sure…Anyway …

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The Great Sheep Escape!!!

As I write this I laugh at the sheep…and us… The birds were busy singing their songs of praise as the sun came up over Dutchman’s Mountain in Jackson Creek. The sheep bells and occasional bah from a lamb and its Mother were all part of the beautiful Sunday morning. After church Les and I …

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