Category: English Shepherds

Simple Country Pleasures…

We had a good slow steady rain last night. As the sun came up the fog rose from the fields. It is unseasonably warm. The sheep were turned out into the yard and on to the fresh green grass. They were having a wonderful time by the sound of the bells ringing!  I fixed breakfast …

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A Day At Maple Grove Farm…

Our day began at 4:00 AM ! With Ms BOO barking at something in the driveway. It was a bark of “I am going to get you and you best be running!” I have never heard this bark before. Anyone that has lived with their dog for any length of time understands what I am …

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Simple Country Pleasures…

As daylight arrived at Maple Grove Farm… the ewes and their lambs were facing the rising sun. They looked like camels on the desert with their necks up and their faces full chewing their cud. Serene and peaceful. In the back ground was Dutchmens Mountain…As I watched the sun come up…I noticed the heavy frost …

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I left for Louisiana Tuesday after a fine morning of visiting… Les and I had a friend stop in. Ernie brought the most delicious pound cake made by his wife Jane. We had lunch at The Village in Denton and then I left out for a 2 day AHBA trial and 2 day herding clinic. …

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Simple Country Pleasures…Gone to the Puppies!

This afternoon was exceptionally nice. Temperatures in the low 60’s. No breeze. Sunshine. The birds chattering about the beautiful weather. The sheep bells softly tinkling. The ewes talking to their lambs… The puppies and I were out on the gator picking up leaves for their pen. The puppies ride on the back of the gator …

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Merry Christmas!

Christmas Pups 2016

As I sit here …in the home I grew up in…thinking of Christmas. My heart and mind is full. I am so blessed to have this place to call home. I was blessed with a good Mother, Daddy, Grandma and Grandpa. They are close in my heart and thoughts and yes memories tonight. Mother brings …

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Simple Country…pleasures

Old dogs…are a pleasure to be round. Loving them, taking walks, hanging out, and rolling round on the ground with them, in the Fall sunshine on a cool crisp Sunday afternoon. While we tend the sheep as they free range bits of green grass here and there. The birds providing the music… singing for our …

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My Great Aunt Grace

Great Aunt Grace was my Grandma’s sister. Grace was beautiful inside and outside, kind, loving, amazing grand lady. I never heard her once say one unkind thing about anyone no matter the situation. I asked her once how she could be so kind and gracious and she said” Kay I just pay them no attention, …

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“Fitting” as my Grandma use to say… The Weather man is calling for a hard freeze tonight the first of the season. So I gathered the rest of my Zinnias from my garden. Not many remain because of the lack of rain. But there were plenty for two beautiful vases. The Zinnias came off of …

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Early Morning Farm Work…

When Drover and I put the sheep up last evening we looked for the two horses in the pasture with the sheep. I did not see them and I asked Les if he had seen them and he said yes… off and on yesterday. I had an uneasy feeling but thought it had to be …

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