Category: English Shepherds

Abilene/Drover Puppies 12-30-2011

It is official! Abilene and Drover will have puppies the end of December! They could be New Years Puppies!!!!  I know when she was bred all 5 times!!!! That is the problem! Which one do I count the 63 days from!?!!!!?? It will be all right! Wednesday my friend Rebecca brought her litter here for …

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Well I finished the Fall bush hogging!!! I mowed 8 acres today with my neighbor’s tractor and bush hog. Our fields are hilly and scary!!!!  I remember as a child being very much afraid of the tractor and  being in the very same fields as I mowed today….I was not afraid today. Careful yes! Cautious …

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Morning Reflections…

The sun came up and it was very cool not cold but damp cool. Need a heavy sweater cool… As my feet hit the rug beside the bed I noticed oh its foggy outside…I suppose this is caused by the ground being warmer than the air! I walked in the living room (my best view …

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Montanna has all ways been my very special girl…From the day she came home with me from Rebecca’s house. It is hard to believe it has been  eight years now. She has slowed down so much…I have took her everywhere horseback riding. I expect she is all but wore out from the stress on her …

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Today I was busy! Today my neighbor Clay cut wood for my wood stove! Today I put my sheep up twice ! Today I visited with my friend Reba when she stopped in from her chicken sale trip. Today my friend Rebecca brought her puppies to the farm and they were introduced to sheep and …

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I have been so very slack in my blogging of late! Sorry… It seems there is so much to do and take care of that I just run out of time… This past weekend some of our friends came in and camped and rode horses with Les and me for my birthday! What a wonderful …

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Farm Up Date…

The ram “Wooly Boy” was introduced to the girls and they all seem happy to have him join their group. He is quite interested in them but they are not receptive to him yet.  He has a nice kind eye and is good sized and has good bone and muscle. (plus all his teeth!) a …

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Finally my  girls (the Ewes) have a husband!!!! We went to Virginia today and picked up a nice Katahdin Ram… He is on loan to us until he does his job here. Then back to Virginia. I will introduce the ram to my girls tomorrow!!! I will let you all know how it all goes! …

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As Promised…

Today I had breakfast at The Village with my husband! What a nice way to start my day! Then he left for work! Today was so beautiful. The air holding a real promise of colder weather but not letting it  happen just yet! The trees are turning but slower than usual I believe. The grass …

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I promise!!!

I will get back to my daily posting tomorrow…I have been making Jelly and catching up on my farm work. Been too tired to post…But I see daylight I hope after tonight!

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