
I have been so very slack in my blogging of late! Sorry…

It seems there is so much to do and take care of that I just run out of time…

This past weekend some of our friends came in and camped and rode horses with Les and me for my birthday! What a wonderful time we all had!

Friday they started arriving round 2:00PM and everyone was here by 8:00PM…

Some of us went out to eat Friday night at Olive Garden and what a good supper and time we all had.

We arrived back home with the rain and started the fire to cook the barbcue on! Reba and Richard Stegall had brought  crab apple and hickory up and boy did it ever make the BEST barbcue Ever!

IT RAINED HARD!!! All night! And Saturday morning dawned fair and very cool and windy! We saddled up around 11:00Am after a delicious breakfast and rode across the road on the Summey Place!  It was a good ride and then we finished up the barbcue and had more friends in for supper.

Les out did his best by a long ways with this barbcue! It will be hard to top it again!

Sunday another delicious breakfast and this time we all enjoyed pancakes and Maple syrup from Canada ! That was a gift from Dan and Sandy U.  that attended the NC Gathering just a few weeks ago….

Sunday only 5 of us rode but it was a beautiful fall day! Perfect for horse back riding with friends on good Paint horses!

Then Monday the real day!!! Was quiet and very nice! Les gave me the sweetest BEST card ever!

I had the Best Birth Day Celebration ever! I am so Blessed!!!


    • Sylvia Snell on November 2, 2011 at 10:20 am

    Hi, Kay! Belated Happy Birthday wishes form the Florida group, including your ‘Wild Child’, Miss Rosie!! I declare, if that pup doesn’t have something to chew on that is to her liking, she will climb *anything* to obtain said item!! Is she perhaps just a trifle ‘mountain goat’ in that line???

    Best wishes again for a wondeful *year* ahead!! Glad you had a good time! Nothing better than a good ride!!
    Sylvia and group

    p.s.- In the time it took to post here Rosie climbed up on the kitchen table, took my pen and *destroyed* it!! Guess she thinks my grocery list is finished!

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