Category: My Heart

Sweet Grandma (sheep)

Call me a softie, but there is a special relationship between a Shepherdess and her flock. If you would have said those eight original sheep would change how I see the world and the people that live on our precious planet…I would have laughed…but they have changed me…for the better! Sweet Grandma, my last of …

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WE HAD A GOOD RUN… (10/22/09 to 5/31/24) DROVER

What is there to say about the best dog that ever was?   My heart is broken!  I have given some thought to this fine dog… and how, why he was mine from the time he and I laid eyes on each other! He was a soft wiggly bundle of furry fun! With the prettiest …

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simple country pleasures…peaceful

Sitting in our living room on this grey rainy day makes me feel so peaceful…calm…all is right in my small part of the world…and it is!    I watch  as my sheep eat the fresh, sweet, green, tender grass…and I wonder…just, how good it must taste to them? It has been 160 days at least …

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Why A Shepherdess?

Thursday we had our first Fall lambs born. They came here without any trouble. Somewhere between birthing the first one and the second one the ewe walked off and forgot she had the first one. The first lamb knew who her mama was but the ewe said no way is that mine.  So I built a …

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Horse Sale!!!!,

As a girl I went everywhere with my Grandma and Grandpa Delk… My sweet Grandpa loved a sale of any kind but a Horse Sale was the best in his eyes…I was right there with him! Grandma would stay home and tell me to not allow him to purchase horses…she was sending the giddy horse …

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Why Am I So Drawn to Ghosts and Memories?

As I walk along this beautiful fall day full of life, beauty, the sounds of God’s creation….Sheep bells, horses gently neighing to each other, the soft breeze in the dried leaves that fall softly and happily to the ground…the birds singing…my ducks and Bruce the Goose ….I think farm life… is the best!  But I …

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My Grandpa was an Overalls Kinda Man…

Sitting here watching my ducks and goose enjoy their supper…the setting sun warm on my back and golden sunlight in my eyes. My dogs all round me and Journey in the door of the Duck Palace lying quietly taking it all in…I can see what my Grandpa saw in  being a farmer and his ducks, …

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I keep thinking…

that I will post often for there is so much going on and that is the reason…I fall asleep or am just too tired… I am sitting here in the quiet of the night…when there is not much noise…a tinkle of a sheep bell off in the distance…the few creatures that speak in the night …

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Walking Among Memories

When I was a wee girl my Grandpa Delk told me stories of his youth. (he was born in 1915)…he must have been 45 when I first remember his stories… Seems back then there were preachers that came round and held what was called “Big Meetings” they would build a brush arbor and have the …

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Today…at the farm and about

This morning dawned bright and beautiful. The golden rays of sunshine on the pond were a site! I could hear the music from the sheep bells as the lambs did early morning races and their Mamas tried to see the under control. It is all so funny to watch… I had a lesson this morning …

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