Thursday’s Return!!!

This afternoon Drover and BOO went to the sheep pens with me along with my brother Kenneth and my nephew Jay. I drove my pick up down and we loaded the sheep carrier on the back of the truck. It is basically a wire crate that fills the bed of the truck.

Drover and I gathered the sheep out of the field and penned them. I first thought we could separate Thursday and drive him into the round pen to be loaded into the crate.

I understood quickly that was not happening. Thursday (our borrowed ram and sire of our up coming lamb crop due mid May) was not about to be herded, driven, or removed from his ladies! In any way shape or form! (so HE thought)!!!

I took a 20 foot Lunge line and made a halter for him, running the extra line around his barrel behind his front legs and then on to and under his tail and back thru the barrel wrap and then to and thru the make shift halter. We were then ready to lead old Thursday to his ride! Worked like a charm! But it took all thee of us to accomplish this job! Quickly we had him to the tail gate of the truck. Where we put his front feet and then lifted his back legs (a sheep’s leg up so to speak) and on into the crate Thursday (NOT HAPPY) went!

Drover, Timber and I went to Hickory North Carolina and returned Thursday to his owner!  We unloaded Thursday and after a bit of work got him penned in his old lot. (He looked a bit sad I am sure he missed his girls) But he will soon forget!

As I was leaving Gayle said she had 3 Roosters was I interested? Well YES! So now officially Maple Grove Farm has CHICKENS!!! Now to find some Hens! to go with them! (My friend Jamie asked are you going to eat them? NO! I want BABY chickens!)

We met Laree and Roy Shulman and had dinner! It was a very nice trip.

On my way home I listened to loud country, blue grass, gospel and 70’s music…I am sure the dogs were happy to escape my sing a long session!

The first song I listened to talked about not being afraid because of being “washed in the blood”…How very true I realized that to be! and it set my mood for the trip home.

Well I really do feel like a farmer tonight. Now I have chickens! Photos I promise tomorrow!

My dogs have been round ducks, I am sure it will take a few days to accustom them to the chickens. But they will get it quick enough!

Can you all see me smiling?

Oh, the roosters are Anacondas (I think)!



    • Liz Palika on February 11, 2013 at 1:19 am

    I bet your roosters are Aconas. Anacondas are really big snakes – one of the largest species. I do not believe there is a breed of chickens also called anaconda – although it did bring to mind a carnivorous long bodied slinky chicken…..Thanks for the giggles.

      • Kay on February 12, 2013 at 11:07 pm

      You are so right! Giggles here! You got to admit it is close in sound! And I am so chicken clueless! (If you only knew!) Poor birds have ended up with a bad owner! (Karma?)

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