Drover and I are Fine! but for the protection of God…

I would not be here tonight…

Les and I burn wood. We cut our own wood on the farm. We have been cutting some partially dead trees around the fields. They have been difficult to get to and made the chainsaw work particularly mean…

A couple of times the saw has become stuck and foolishly we hooked the tractor and trailer to the tree to take the pressure off the saw .

I knew better…But did it anyway…


We hooked the chain as high as we could reach and then to the trailer behind the tractor…And I put tension on the chain. The tree snapped into, and fell towards the center of the tractor I was on! And Drover was on the trailer behind the tractor…I was hooked to the tree and no way to get loose.

For a moment I thought jump off the tractor…But the tree was coming straight for me. I was not sure which side to jump off of…And I ducked instead! When I did my foot caught the gas peddle! And caused the tractor to jerk forward fast! (Faster than the tree that was falling) This caused the base of the tree to come forward towards me ahead of the top of the tree. (this was good)  The base of the tree moved 15 feet from the stump! and caused the tree to hit the corner of the trailer instead of the center of the tractor and trailer. I was looking back and seen Drover bounce up as the tree hit the trailer! Honestly he had no idea the tree was coming! And it caused him to roll and bounce…But thankfully the tree missed him by inches! Photos tomorrow…

Drover is fine…I am fine…

But I have got to say I have felt off all afternoon…Such a close call… I have had one other at 19 years of age…(a car crash and I should have not survived…but  I was unhurt)

Again today …God was looking after me and Drover (and back when I was 19)…It was not our time to die today in spite of my foolish decision…It was a miracle of God’s Intervention and protection. His supernatural presence and power…and yes I think an angel shoved me down and caused my foot to hit the gas peddle and do what was needed! No other explanation…

I was surprised when there was no crash and no pain…because that tree was headed straight towards me!

I will be thinking about this for some time…and the meaning…

I am thankful we are safe…But I feel so odd…

Like Moses seeing the burning bush on the mountain, I need to look closer at this…and see what it means…

Kay and Drover


***Poor Les was standing at the tree trunk when this happened… he is fine too and stunned by what happened…***







    • Pat justus on March 10, 2015 at 4:04 pm

    so thankful you and Les and drover are okay. Lesson learned

    • Debbie on March 10, 2015 at 9:58 pm

    Kay, I am so glad that neither you or Drover were hurt. Life is truly a miracle at times. Who knows why some of us are spared and others are not. It is not in our control, but it tells me your work here is not done.

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