Two beautiful Tunis Katahdin crossed lambs were born July 5th to my best ewe. One was dead when I found it several hours old…so no idea what happened.
The other lamb a nice ewe lamb was fine . A beautiful light colored brownish red with a big whit cap on it’s head! It was up nursing, and then in the cool grass sleeping! All was well.
I headed to town yesterday and The Good Lord said in my heart …” Go check on the lamb” Being the wise person I am…I ignored that prompting that was very strong!…
I was gone about 3 hours and when I settled in… I thought go look at the lamb… Well it was dead! Had got under the fence and then apparently tried to come back thru the fence and could not make it, So it stressed and died.
The Mama Ewe was down there laying quietly…With a knowing look that said my lambs are lost. Les and I got the lamb up and laid it there for the ewe to see…she smelled it and talked to it…I swear my heart was breaking for her.
She knew it was not right… I could see her asking me what was wrong? She walked away and was calling it…to come…it was awful…I could do nothing… I could not stand her calling in that unknowing voice. What where, WHY?
It set me to to thinking…We are like this ewe sometimes with God and what is happening in our lives…
I did the only thing I could ! I prayed for my sweet best Mama Ewe and asked God to give her understanding and peace…To let her be okay and know that her lambs were safe with Him The Good Shepherd…
That ewe settled down in about 20 minutes and has been okay since. Prayer, the Good Lord answered! I am so thankful…
I am not a very good Shepherd…I should listen to The Holy Spirit…and be more caring and look after my flock better!
You might say…Oh Kay it was Simply a Lamb! No! It was more than that to its Mama!
We are “more” to our heavenly Father! too!