Simple Country Pleasures…

The Glamorous Life Of A Sheep Farmer…

As I went out the door just now with my escort (it is 1:00 AM) it occurred to me just how glamorous my life is…

WHY was I going out the door the door you might ask? Was I all dressed up for a late party in a fancy club in the city? 


I was dressed up though…Long warm socks, my PJs, warm winter coat, Carhart toboggan, gloves , flashlight, Drover (my wonderful English Shepherd) accompanied  me, and a herding stick…plus tennis shoes! 

I had bright lights! None brighter! The Milky way and planets shone bright in the January  night sky.  And my trusty Stanley  spot light. 

Oh my coat is getting worn and torn some…but it does the job and I never worry about it being ruined.

No fancy stiletto heels… Just sensible memory foam Sketchers. 

The reason I was out : Lambing Time at Maple Grove Farm!

  I keep my window open so I can hear the sheep. Bells and Ewes talking tell me what is happening in the dark. Quiet and the occasional Bah…”where are you is good”. But stressed bahs of Mother ewes and little bahs  can spell trouble. I had a set of twins born 20 hours ago,  they are fine. But I have a couple more ewes ready to lamb and one is a new Mother so I am concerned.  When the twins arrived it was dark still… as I listened to their arrival I knew all was well.  I smile as I think about this. I remember when I watched worried and wanted / needed to see everything. Now I listen and if I hear stress I go check it out… 

The reason for our trip to the field was tiny lamb bahs…Turns out there was a night time Lamb Race! We currently have 4 lambs that are in the races…They create quite the entertainment in the daylight and concern at night! 

This is a week old lamb! and  his friend!

Sheep A Glamorous Life! I would not trade for any other way of life! 



    • Miya Teague on January 8, 2019 at 7:24 am

    Thank you for sharing. I can feel your love in your words!

    • Kay on January 8, 2019 at 9:54 am

    Quite the poet. I love it. When you love your “job” life is so good. When you can see new life right outside your home and can share with friends, it “don’t get no better than this”. Sharing life lessons like this with a child makes us all see the hope for our troubled world. Maple Grove Farm is a little bit of heaven on earth.

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