The Lamb Project…

All I can say is I learn something everyday I am around my flock…sometimes it is how to take care of them “like today”  or about The Good Shepherd…

Today was a calling for and on The Good Shepherd. 

Five Months Ago

I started out by flushing my ewes on good green grass and lots of it. They were strong healthy parasite free and fat!   

I had planned to purchase a Katahdin Ram and had picked one out. 

In the meantime…I had 2 small ram lambs about 4 months old. They were acting like they were breeding …Well it seems they were!  At least my ewes were in great shape. Though a few I would not have bred got I would have timed my Stork arrival for April/May …and now I know a 4 month old ram lamb can and will breed! (They were sold several months ago)

last week …The Stork started to make deliveries. Through no fault of my ewes or rams we have had a difficult time and have lost several lambs…The ewes are fine so far…

Three lambs lost to being delivered in the far field. Fixed that! 

Then two  just stayed in a ewe to long and had been dead for a while before she decided to deliver them…

One was delivered with my help and the fire ants got ME…(one of my favorite moments)  NOT! 

Two were doing great and it turned off freezing as in water freezing cold…and they passed. (this happens)

This evening I saw a young ewe trying to have her lamb so I watched her…sure enough she needed help. So I gathered up my Lambing Kit and Drover, Journey and BOO who all  sat on the gator…until… when I decided I needed help. I called just Journey and he came to help me move the little ewe. He did awesome. What I needed him to do was help me catch her, then lay down and wait. Honestly I forgot the dogs including Journey as I tried to assist this sweet little ewe deliver her lamb.

Once we caught her and I looked I could see the problem. The lamb was coming butt first. I saw the little tail sticking out. Oh Great! I tried to turn it, but it was way to large to turn no room in that ewes tummy and at that point I actually thought there were twins. Soon I realized the size of this lamb. Just one, Thank God!  Well I worked with her contractions for over an hour and half. Finally Les and Chris could hear me calling and they came. 

Les is not much for this sort of work…it makes him sick, and he is tender hearted…So I gave him the job of holding her head. Chris had delivered cows so he was okay and he provided assistance I did not know to do! 

The lamb was so large in it’s hips that  it could not pass the little ewes hips without assistance. The little ewe was still trying hard but becoming exhausted. I could not get hold of anything to pull. And not wanting to kill the lamb but I was thinking it was going to come out in pieces to save the ewe if we were not able to get this lamb out and soon. Chris tried but his hands were to wide. I could get my hand in but could not get hold of a leg or foot. 

Finally I said she needed to be made larger so the lamb could be born. Chris said so cut her and  gave me his knife… and I cut her opening so the lamb could come. With my help pulling the ewe delivered the largest lamb I have ever seen born! And get this ! IT WAS ALIVE!!!!! I quickly brought it to the give out, little ewe, and she began to lick her lamb.. it started to snort fluid out, and was trying to stand with in minutes . Which was more than the mother was able to do at that moment. It was standing and nursing within minutes of birth

Finally after all the shots she needed and the sewing up of the cut I had made we moved the new” little lamb project” to the Jug, fed, watered, hayed and covered them up for the night…

I went out at 12 AM and all was well… Lucky was up and nursing. Lucky has an odd looking leg where it laid inside its Mother but I think it will straighten up. It is able to stand and move so likely it will be fine! 

Tomorrow I plan to rub the lambs leg and see if that helps its bones are very soft and easily manipulated right now . I would have worked on it at birth but enough had been done for one day! 

I am thankful to The Good Lord above this was a successful delivery!

I am tired and now I am waiting for the Stork to deliver puppies! 






    • Lynn Chaney on January 25, 2020 at 5:42 pm

    I just had to call Chris Wagoner and ask him if he helped deliver a lamb this week. You never cease to amaze me with all your skills. I am so thankful that Chris was there. God is always making a way.

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